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Ten at 10: Mindful Mondays (1 Wellness Incentive Point Per Day)*
Start Date: 2/1/2021Start Time: 10:00 AM
End Date: 2/1/2021End Time: 10:10 AM
This event recurs on Monday every week until 6/28/2021.  Click here to see the series dates.

Event Description
Incorporating just 10 minutes of healthy activity into your day can add up to a significant difference in your health, wellbeing and quality of life. With that in mind, Human Resources’ A Healthier U Program is encouraging you to participate in our daily “Ten at 10” wellness program for faculty and professional staff. During this era of social distancing, it’s more important than ever that we find ways to maintain meaningful connections to our colleagues. This program addresses that need and also encourages life-sustaining activities that will promote physical and emotional wellbeing.

Supervisors and department heads are encouraged to set a recurring Outlook invite from 10-10:10 a.m., Monday through Friday, and invite their colleagues to participate. Include a link to this website, then check back Monday through Friday to complete the scheduled activity of the day. For larger departments, you might consider organizing activities into groups of 3-10.

If 10 a.m. is a not an ideal time for you or your department, please feel free to tweak the time to meet your needs. We encourage you to participate sometime before lunch if possible, to help you set the tone for your day.

Mondays are "Mindful Mondays." Visit the Ten at 10 Website to connect with resources that can help you take advantage of a simple but powerful body-mind reset. Please visit our website and click on "Mindful Mondays" to learn more.

You can also earn points toward the Wellness Incentive Program by participating in Ten at 10. To claim your points, log in to the Health Advocate Wellness Incentive Portal at healthadvocate.com/drexel and click "Ten at 10" in the To Do List (upper right hand corner of the screen). Every date that you participate and enter will earn you 1 wellness point ($1)!
Contact Information:
Name: Monica Fauble
Phone: 215-895-1708
Email: mfauble@drexel.edu
mindful monday
Online, please visit our website for more information: https://drexel.edu/hr/benefits/a-healthier-u/ten-at-10/
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