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CASTLE Pedagogical Happy Hour
Start Date: 2/23/2021Start Time: 3:30 PM
End Date: 2/23/2021End Time: 5:00 PM

Event Description

"Creating and Exploring Virtual Learning Spaces"

with Kevin P.W. Smith, PhD, Assistant Teaching Professor, Department of Biology



Finding remote sessions for student engagement comes with a range of complications to overcome. One concern is tailoring activities specific to your learning objectives. By using a combination of 3D cameras, and virtual reality touring software, we can invite students into a wide range of personalized lab and field scenarios. With support through CASTLE Remote Teaching Grants, Drs. Kevin Smith (Biology) and Dane Ward (BEES) have started building pilot programs to introduce students to classic and novel course experiences in virtual reality. 

In this presentation, I would like to share some prototype lessons and have a discussion on potential applications of customized 3D virtual experiences for periods of remote learning, as well as public outreach, recruitment, and supplementing traditional in-person education. 


Kevin Smith earned his Ph.D. in Environmental Science from Drexel University, during which time he studied neonate ecology and chemosensation in Northern pine snakes. He completed post-doctoral work studying undergraduate research experiences in both traditional, mentored, summer research experiences and in classroom-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs). Kevin is currently an Assistant Teaching Professor in the Department of Biology. In this role, he teaches a wide range of topics, including ecology, evolution, comparative physiology, and gross anatomy. 

Happy Hour begins at 3:30pm

Presentation begins at 4pm


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Contact Information:
Name: Meredith Casino
Email: mlc439@drexel.edu
CASTLE Happy Hour
Participants will be emailed a Zoom link the day of the event.
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