Event Description
Please note: Both parts of this event have been postponed.
Understanding your working style and the working styles of your colleagues can lead to a more effective workplace.
This is a two-part series, consisting of a talk on March 13 and this interactive workshop on March 27. Please plan to attend both parts.
Join Ana E. Núñez, MD, professor of medicine; associate dean, Diversity, Equity& Inclusion; and the director of the National Center of Excellence in Women’s Health
and the Women’s Health Education Program, for a two-part BYOBB (bring your own
brown bag) lunch talk and workshop to explore working styles.
Beverages and snacks will be provided.
Contact Bernadette Campoli at bc858@drexel.edu for more information.
This event is sponsored by the Drexel University College of Medicine Women in Medicine and Science Committee.