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CAEE Special Seminar with Dr. Wangda Zuo, Penn State University
Start Date: 4/19/2022Start Time: 2:00 PM
End Date: 4/19/2022End Time: 3:00 PM

Event Description

Multi-Scale Modeling for Smart, Sustainable and Resilient Cities

This presentation introduces Dr. Zuo and his research teams' recent research in developing and applying the Modelica-based, multi-scale modeling technology for the optimal design and operation of smart, sustainable, and resilient cities.  He will demonstrate their research for various applications. For sustainability, he will introduce four DOE projects in developing Modelica models for energy-efficient data centers and grid-interactive, efficient, district energy systems, as well as an NSF project in performing multi-scale building energy modeling to reduce operational carbon emission considering the dynamic composition of carbon in electricity generation. For smartness, he will show an NSF project on developing open-source smart, sustainable, and connected community, virtual testbeds by integrating energy, transportation, and communication networks; as well as an NSF project in developing biomimicry inspired, smart garden alleys using sensor network and machine learning for Makassar City, Indonesia. For resilience, he will discuss an NSF project in developing modeling and control methods to turn a net zero, energy community into a resilient community; as well as a project in investigating ventilation strategies to provide protections against COVID while balancing the energy, cost, and CO2 emission. 

Dr. Zuo is a Professor in Architectural Engineering and the Associate Director for Research of the Global Building Network, which is an initiative of Penn State and the United Nations on high performance buildings. Dr. Zuo also holds a joint appointment at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and was a former Scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). He is currently an Associate Editor of the Journal of Solar Energy Engineering and Treasurer of the International Building Performance Simulation Association (IPBSA). Dr. Zuo is the recipient of the IBPSA Fellow, ASCE ExCEED Fellowship, IBPSA-USA Emerging Professional Award, Eliahu I. Jury Early Career Research Award, and ASHRAE Distinguished Service Award. He is a major contributor to multiple open-source building and community energy modeling tools, including LBNL’s Modelica Buildings library and NREL’s URBANopt.

Contact Information:
Name: Kim Spina
Phone: 215-895-1918
Email: smithkl@drexel.edu
Hill Seminar Room, LeBow Engineering Center
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