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Justice on the Menu: A Discussion of the Role of the Hospitality Industry in Criminal Justice Reform
Start Date: 5/4/2021Start Time: 12:00 PM
End Date: 5/4/2021End Time: 1:30 PM

Event Description
Join the Drexel Hospitality Society in exploring how restaurants and other hospitality businesses are engaging in advocacy to push forward necessary change in the American criminal justice system and the industry's responsibility in addressing the issue of mass incarceration and challenges faced by formerly incarcerated people.

Panelists include:

* Brandon Chrostowski, Founder and CEO, EDWINS Leadership and Restaurant (Cleveland) - EDWINS provides formerly incarcerated adults a foundation in the culinary and hospitality industry while providing a support network necessary for their long-term success.

* Kurt Evans, Chef and Owner, Down North Pizza (Philadelphia) - Down North marries serving top-quality delicious comfort food with the mission of reducing recidivism rates in Black communities and erasing employment barriers faced by formerly incarcerated men and women, by providing culinary career opportunities at a fair wage within an equitable workplace.

* Tess Hart, Founder and CEO, Triple Bottom Brewery (Philadelphia) - Triple Bottom Brewery is fair chance business focusing on intentionally recruiting and developing team members who have traditionally faced barriers to employment (incarceration, homelessness, etc.) through nonprofit partnerships and supporting those organizations working to make the city a place where everyone, in every community has the opportunity to craft something great.

Registration required - https://drexel.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0kdOigpzsjH9Cda8ycmMRORyvD6vUDqxU0
Contact Information:
Name: Natalie Shaak
Email: nds37@drexel.edu
Remote - Registration Required at https://drexel.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0kdOigpzsjH9Cda8ycmMRORyvD6vUDqxU0
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