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Faculty Workshop: Megan Wright - Penn State Law
Start Date: 9/9/2021Start Time: 12:00 PM
End Date: 9/9/2021End Time: 1:30 PM

Event Description

Megan S. Wright is Assistant Professor of Law and Medicine at Penn State Law as well as an affiliate faculty member with the Department of Sociology and the Rock Ethics Institute in the College of the Liberal Arts. Her primary research is the intersection of medical decision making, disability, elder law, bioethics, and private law, and she has published extensively in law reviews and peer-reviewed journals, including Arizona Law Review, Florida State University Law Review, Maryland Law Review, North Carolina Law Review, Stanford Technology Law Review, Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law, and Ethics, Journal of Law, Medicine, and Ethics, and JAMA Internal Medicine, among others. Her research on dementia and supported decision making has been recognized by the American Society of Law, Medicine, and Ethics (ASLME) as one of the “most cutting-edge issues presented at the 2019 Health Law Professors Conference.”

Full Bio

This event is for faculty only. For further information, contact anil.kalhan@drexel.edu.

Megan S. Wright
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