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CASTLE Pedagogical Happy Hour
Start Date: 3/17/2021Start Time: 3:30 PM
End Date: 3/17/2021End Time: 5:00 PM

Event Description

"How can we get (remote!) students to answer questions?" (with Steve Earth, PhD Candidate, Computer Science) If you were expecting me to immediately answer the question I just posed, then you definitely need to attend this presentation! Asking the right sort of questions (and in the right way) can not only assess students' comprehension, but also serve to further the students' learning and even increase their engagement. The remote environment foisted upon us certainly comes with its own challenges, but it can also be turned to an educational advantage...


For most of the last ten years, Steve was a high school math teacher in the San Francisco bay area. Prior to that he worked in Seattle developing RPGs such as Dungeons and Dragons, and card games such as Magic the Gathering. In 2016 he had the epiphany that computers are cool and entered the PhD program for CS here at Drexel. Shortly after arriving, a medical accident put him into a coma and ICU for eight months; this put a damper on his studies, but with the fervent support of his advisor, he continued his studies with renewed enthusiasm as soon as he was discharged. Steve realizes that his writing style, teaching methods, and even his area of research, are not exactly what the CCI is used to... and so he is constantly appreciative of the college's indulgence! 

Happy Hour begins at 3:30pm
Presentation begins at 4pm

Register here on Eventbrite

Contact Information:
Name: Meredith Casino
Email: mlc439@drexel.edu
CASTLE Happy Hour
Participants will be emailed a Zoom link the day of the event.
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