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Experiential Robotics for Health: From Prosthetics to Avatars
Start Date: 4/26/2023Start Time: 4:00 PM
End Date: 4/26/2023End Time: 5:30 PM

Event Description
BIOMED Seminar

Experiential Robotics for Health: From Prosthetics to Avatars

Taskin Padir, PhD
Founding Director, Institute for Experiential Robotics
Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Northeastern University
Amazon Scholar

How can we achieve seamless human-robot teaming? The four elements of experiential robotics will be used as a framework to provide an overview of our research projects on robotics for health. Lessons learned from stakeholder engagements will be summarized.

Taskin Padir, PhD, holds concurrent positions as an Associate Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Northeastern University, and as an Amazon Scholar. He received his PhD and MS degrees from Purdue University. Dr. Padir is the Founding Director of the Institute for Experiential Robotics at Northeastern University. His research focus has been on shared autonomy, human-in-the-loop robotics, embodied AI, and human-robot teaming at the extremes.
Contact Information:
Name: Lisa Williams
Email: ltw22@drexel.edu
Taskin Padir
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