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Live Mural Painting Workshop: Avian Artist in Residence Jane Kim
Start Date: 8/19/2023Start Time: 2:00 PM
End Date: 8/19/2023End Time: 4:00 PM

Event Description

Join Academy of Natural Sciences Avian Artist in Residence Jane Kim for a live mural painting workshop in the Academy's Dietrich Gallery.

During the workshop, you can contribute to her permanent mural focused on the variety of birds found in Philadelphia and their fascinating connections to local ecologies, watersheds, and neighborhoods. Learn how her work combines the precision of scientific illustration with a vivid and animating quality drawn from her background in the visual arts to create works of art that further our understanding of the natural world.

In the workshop you’ll witness how Kim conducts extensive research, basing her paintings on a combination of direct observation, specimen study and photo and video viewing. Workshop attendees will receive free access to Kim’s Bird Academy online courses “How to Paint Birds” from Cornell Ornithology Lab. These 5 online courses showcase essential bird painting techniques to help you build confidence in color, dimension, and feather texture.

Jane Kim received formal training in printmaking at the Rhode Island School of Design and earned a master's certificate in science illustration from California State University Monterey Bay. Kim has created large-scale public art across the country, including the epic, interactive Wall of Birds at The Cornell Lab of Ornithology. The expansive mural integrates the evolutionary history of birds with their biodiversity through life-sized depictions of the 243 modern bird families from around the world. Kim is also the creator of the Migrating Mural campaign, a series of public installations that highlight the wildlife found along migration corridors they share with people.

Follow along as the project unfolds at: https://ansp.org/exhibits/illuminating-birds/avian-artist-in-residence/

woman in orange shirt and white overalls stands in front of painting
The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University
1900 Benjamin Franklin Pkwy, Philadelphia, PA 19103
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