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Mural Arts West Philly Walking Tour
Start Date: 11/5/2022Start Time: 12:00 PM
End Date: 11/5/2022End Time: 1:30 PM

Event Description
Experience firsthand how art ignites change. Explore the world’s largest outdoor art gallery and get to know Philadelphia’s stunning mural collection on a guided tour. Weave through neighborhood streets on foot and get inspired by the incredible public art that makes Philadelphia the Mural Capital of the World. Professionally-trained guides offer a behind-the-scenes look and share the in-depth stories about the people and communities that inspired and shaped each Mural Arts Philadelphia project. Visitors also learn about the mural-making processes and how the work of the organization has evolved over its nearly 40-year history. Explore on foot the many wonderful and awe-inspiring murals in West Philadelphia. Led by a professionally-trained tour guide, guests will wend their way through University City, Powelton, Mantua, and Belmont to learn the stories behind the murals, the artists, and how Mural Arts has evolved to impact every neighborhood of Philadelphia. Many of the murals on this tour feature charismatic figures who overcame incredible challenges to pave the way for future generations. Some highlights include They Met the Challenge, by Marcus Akinlana, which pays homage to the Tuskegee Airmen, and the Silent Watcher, by Faith XLVII, a majestic visual landmark at the gateway to University City. Tours are limited to 14 guests each *Pre-Registration required by emailing family@drexel.edu OR registering at the Resource Fair.  Availability is first come, first served.  
Meet at 38th and Market Sts
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